‘Rejoice!’: Michele Bachmann Says The Rapture And Jesus Are Almost Here (Because Of Gay Marriage)

Former U.S. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has unleashed her inner religious extremist crazy in these recent audio interviews.

Michele Bachmann made little attempt to hide her Christian extremism as a local Minnesota political candidate and anti-gay activist, teaming up often with end times radio host Jan Markell. Many of Bachmann’s most anti-gay statements were made on Markell’s airwaves, like when the future Tea Party Congresswoman said LGBT people are “people who are dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life and sexual identity disorders.”

But after she got to Congress, Bachmann, believe it or not, toned down the religious extremism. The former Minnesota Congresswoman used to belong to an extremely conservative sect of the Lutheran Church, but now lists her faith as Evangelical Christian.

In two audio recordings that aired over the weekend, Bachmann talked with Jan Markell, going on and on about the end times, the second coming of Jesus Christ, President Barack Obama, same-sex marriage, and Iran.

The level of crazy in these recordings is not to be minimized, and it’s important that people remember the person speaking was elected to the U.S. Congress four times. That alone should given Americans pause.

There’s no way to transcribe the audio to give Bachmann’s comments justice – they are threads intertwined so tightly it’s remarkable anyone could make heads or tails from them.

In an article titled, “Bachmann: Rapture Imminent Thanks To Gay Marriage & Obama,” Right Wing Watch reports, “Bachmann said that people should ‘not despair but rejoice’ that the world has reached the ‘midnight hour’ and that ‘we in our lifetimes potentially could see Jesus Christ returning to earth and the Rapture of the church.'”

Bachmann also claims President Obama wants to see Iran with a nuclear weapon, that same-sex marriage and abortion are hastening the Rapture, and that God is revoking his protection of America because of them.

“That’s why so many Christians I think are sad and despairing because we know what the word of God says,” Bachmann says. “But it is also a chastening as individual believers for our good and that, to me, is extremely exciting.”

Bottom line: the Rapture is good, something to look forward to, but the Rapture is bad because it is brought about by Americans’ embrace of same-sex marriage and reproductive rights.



Image by Waiting For The Word via Flickr and a CC license
Hat tip and audio: Right Wing Watch


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