How’s This For Proof Mike Pence Is Lying When He Says His Anti-Gay Bill Isn’t About Discrimination?

Governor Mike Pence says the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act “isn’t about discrimination.” He’s lying. And he’s literally surrounded by professional anti-gay activists. Here’s how you can prove it.

On Thursday when Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed his Religious Freedom Restoration Act in to law, he did so in a private ceremony that was closed to the press and the public. Minutes after he signed the discriminatory bill into law, he or his staff posted a photo of Governor Pence surrounded by what the press was told were religious and faith leaders:

“This bill is not about discrimination, and if I thought it legalized discrimination in any way in Indiana, I would have vetoed it,” Pence said in a statement announcing the signing.

As it turns out, that photograph is damning evidence Governor Pence is lying about the intent behind his Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

So is this one. It was posted by Micah Clark, a professional anti-gay activist:

This afternoon, GLAAD posted an image (above) revealing that not everyone surrounding Gov. Pence in the signing photo is a religious or faith leader.

“Some of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence’s guests at the signing of the state’s ‘license to discriminate’ bill look familiar to us,” GLAAD writes on Facebook.

This image was created by Twitter user @seamonkey237.

It reveals three of the people surrounding Gov. Pence are professional anti-gay activists. Here are excerpts from their résumés, thanks to GLADD’s Commentator Accountability Project:

Micah Clark, Head of the American Family Association of Indiana:

Claims that “homosexuality has no societal benefit…and its individually destructive and dangerous.”

Curt Smith, President of Indiana Family Institute: 

Admits: “…I believe homosexuality is harmful to all, including society, and is against the teachings of the God of the Bible…”

Equates homosexuality with bestiality and adultery

Eric Miller, Exec. Director of Advance America, Indiana’s leading anti-LGBT org.:

Claims “[b]anning same-sex marriages and civil unions will prove to be the greatest moral battle of this generation.”

Distributed fear flier falsely claiming that pastors could be jailed for preaching against homosexuality once same-sex marriage passes

Here’s seamonkey237’s tweet with the image:

And another version:

Share these images far and wide, and tag them with #RFRA.


Image via Twitter

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