‘If You Have A Penis You Go To The Males’ Bathroom’: Charlotte Speaks On NDO

Watch local citizens and people from across the nation debate Charlotte’s non-discrimination ordinance.

Monday night the Charlotte, North Carolina City Council sat for more than five hours, listening to over 100 people voice their opinion on a proposed non-discrimination ordinance (NDO). Local residents and people from across the nation came to speak.

The vast majority who spoke, as the videos below show, were not only against the ordinance, but invoked the Christian bible and religion as the basis for their opposition. 

“If you have a penis you go to the males’ bathroom, a vagina, the women’s,” one woman instructed. 

“To get to heaven you must repent of your sins and be borned again,” a man identified as Richard Pope (image) told the council. “To get to hell, just keep doing what you’re doing and you will get there. Real quick.”

There were wise and informed people who spoke in favor of equality as well. Some examples are at the second half of the first video, including former Charlotte Observer editorial page editor Ed Williams. 

“Charlotte’s a progressive city, though sometimes we need a little push,” he reminded the council.

But in the end, the bill was defeated, by a 6-5 vote.

LOOK: Charlotte City Council Fails To Pass LGBT Non-Discrimination Ordinance



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