Today’s Vile Tweet Of The Day Brought To You By Ignorance-Embracing Tea Party Extremism

Erick Erickson, the man who just yesterday likened gay people in the US to the terrorists in Paris, is back with a tweet embracing ignorance, Obama-hatred, and a predictable fear of education.

President Obama late yesterday made headlines when he announced he wants to offer Americans the opportunity to attend a community college free for two years. It could, for some, be a life-changing chance for a better future, a better life, more money for their family, pride in moving up the corporate ladder or starting their own business or – heaven forbid, as far as the ignorant religious right is concerned – learning for learning’s sake.

Earlier in the day, Tea Party religious extremist and Fox News contributor Erick Erickson published an opinion piece that intentionally equated gay rights activists in America with the radical Islamic extremists who slaughtered 12 people in Paris, mostly journalists at Charlie Hebdo.

Today, Erickson is back, with this mind-blowingly vile tweet, that exposes his fear of education, reveals the right’s hatred of women and refusal to understand there a culture of rape even exists, and of course, takes a swipe at President Obama.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what passes for intelligence at Fox News. (Why does he have a job there?)

Read it, and weep – for our future:

He later claimed this, as if it would help:

Responses on Twitter were quick and pointed:


Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr

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