Breaking: Republican War Hawk Lindsey Graham Forms 2016 Presidential Exploratory Committee

Calling his new exploratory committee Security Through Strength, right-wing GOP Senator Lindsey Graham is planning a presidential run.

Lindsey Graham, who won a tough re-election campaign last November, is officially thinking of running for the GOP nomination for president. The senior U.S. Senator from South Carolina, 59, is often in the news, as recently as yesterday, when he asked Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch during her confirmation hearings to explain how same-sex marriage could be legal and polygamy not – a typical position for a right wing religious Republican.

Graham’s new exploratory group is Security Through Strength. He’s been debating this move for quite a while, as the committee’s domain name was registered January 9, nearly three weeks ago.

On the site, Graham positions himself as “a conservative problem-solver and one of the strongest proponents of a robust national defense,” but the real focus is the top of the page’s comparison of graham to Reagan, of course.

Graham’s bio includes this sentence:

One leading conservative recently wrote that when it comes to defending America, “[Lindsey] Graham has been right about more things on foreign policy for longer than just about anyone…if anyone has bragging rights on foreign policy, it is Graham.”

That quote comes from none other than the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin, another war hawk. Ironically, the title of her piece is, “Being right about foreign policy isn’t enough.” So much for an endorsement.


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