Prayer-Pushing Huckabee: If Kids Don’t Bring A Bible To School They’ll Bring A Gun (Video)

Mike Huckabee again is claiming that the removal of prayer from schools causes mass shootings. 

Mike Huckabee recently spoke at the annual conference of a pentecostal televangelist involved in the so-called prosperity theology movement. Huckabee, himself an ordained Southern Baptist minister, had no trouble relating to the large audience, sharing his folkish stories about what life was like when he was a boy – and lamenting how the U.S. Constitution is now actually being observed in America.

“Because we were bringing Bibles to school people weren’t bringing guns to school, except for the deer hunters who left them in their trucks,” Huckabee told the audience at the 2015 Morris Cerullo World Conference.

“What has happened to our culture?” Huckabee asked. “What’s happened is we have lost our landmarks. When we reject the Bible as the objective word of truth, when we say that the Bible is no longer the standard by which we live and we make it whatever we feel, what we think, what we believe, then we have no landmark at all because that landmark is always being moved to accommodate our lifestyle rather than make our lifestyle accommodate the word of the living God and the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Right Wing Watch notes that “in 2012, Huckabee reacted to the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting by blaming those who ‘systematically removed God from our schools,’ turning schools into ‘a place of carnage’ and ‘violence.'” 



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