Elizabeth Warren Drops Bombshell

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, the de facto head of the progressive wing of the Democratic party, just dropped a disappointing bombshell.

MoveOn.org and Democracy for America are actively working to get Elizabeth Warren to run for president. They’re sponsoring a “Run Warren Runpetition which has over 200,000 signatures. There’s a similarly-named “Run, Warren, Run!” petition, with over 20,000 signatures, from the Ready for Warren super PAC. A November poll put Elizabeth Warren in the top slot for progressives – and Hillary Clinton third. And there’s, of course, an Elizabeth Warren for President Facebook page.

So, a lot of progressives are going to be disappointed after reading this.

Elizabeth Warren says she will not run for president in 2016.

Not, “isn’t running,” but is not going to run.

At Forbes, in an extensive interview published today, former Federal Deposit Insurance Commission chair Sheila Bair asked Warren, “So are you going to run for President?”

Senator Warren’s response: “No.”


The 65-year old Democratic Senator from Massachusetts did offer some advice for Democrats considering a run.

“They need to speak to America’s families about the economic crisis in this country,” she insisted. “It starts with the recognition that Washington works for the rich and powerful and not for America’s families. From there, it has to go into what changes we need to make, and that gets back to education, infrastructure, and research.”

Which, of course, is why progressives want her to run.


Image via Flickr
Hat tip: Salon

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