‘It Was Not My Intention To Compare The President To Adolf Hitler’

If you ever find yourself saying, “It was not my intention to trivialize the Holocaust nor to compare the President to Adolf Hitler,” your apology better be pretty darn spectacular and sincere.

The man on the phone in that photo is Republican Rep. Randy Weber of Texas. On Facebook, he captions the photo:

Enjoyed talking with Tony Perkins (@tperkins) on my bill – the “State Marriage Defense Act of 2014.” #FRC. Read the press release on my website weber.house.gov.

Congressman Weber last night tweeted a disgusting and offensive attack on President Barack Obama, offending what appears to be the vast majority of people who saw his tweet.

Even Adolph Hitler thought it more important than Obama to get to Paris. (For all the wrong reasons.) Obama couldn’t do it for right reasons,” Rep. Weber wrote.

Of course, the 61-year old Texan was jumping on the Fox News bandwagon of dragging the President through the mud for not marching in the Paris Unity Rally this past weekend. No doubt he felt proud of himself, and smug, as he has a long, long history of attacking Pres. Obama.

Those, of course, pale in comparison to this tweet he sent during the President’s 2014 State of the Union address:

And, last night, as NCRM reported, Congressman Weber tweeted this:

He left it up for about 16 hours, until this afternoon he finally apologized, “to all those offended” by his tweet.

“I need to first apologize to all those offended by my tweet. It was not my intention to trivialize the Holocaust nor to compare the President to Adolf Hitler,” Weber said in a statement. “The mention of Hitler was meant to represent the face of evil that still exists in the world today. I now realize that the use of Hitler invokes pain and emotional trauma for those affected by the atrocities of the Holocaust and victims of anti-Semitism and hate.”

The one person he “forgot” to apologize to?

President Obama.

Responses to Weber’s insufficient (and clearly not written by him) apology were almost as caustic as responses to his original tweet.

Now that the GOP is in power, expect more of this. 


Image via Facebook 

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