‘I Have A Plan To Take That Bitch Out’: Conservative Blogger On Hillary Clinton?

Conservative blogger Charles C. Johnson unleashed an ugly rant on Twitter, including his “plan” for “HRC,” presumably Hillary Rodham Clinton, and his belief that “Obama is probably gay.”

Charles C. Johnson runs a small right-wing site, GotNews.com, and has inserted himself in countless stories, even becoming part of the story himself. Self-promotion and self-aggrandizement seem to be his stock in trade.

Wonkette, a satire and gossip news site, once ran a story featuring many of the tweets Johnson has posted in which he repeatedly refers to himself as an “award winning journalist.” Those “awards,” according to Wonkette, are the Eric Breindel Collegiate Journalism Award and the Robert Novak Alumni Fund Fellowship.

Meanwhile, another blogger named Charles Johnson – no relation to Charles C. Johnson – who a former conservative, runs the popular and acclaimed site Little Green Footballs and is the co-founder of what has become the radically right Pajamas Media. No longer associated with PJ Media, he now publishes many stories attacking the ridiculous antics of the radical right, including those of conservative blogger Charles C. Johnson.

This week on Wednesday, Little Green Footballs published a series of tweets by Charles C. Johnson, which LGF titled, “In Which Chuck C. Johnson Goes on an All-Night Hate Binge.”

They include one in which Charles C. Johnson tweets about “HRC,” which taken in context seems to be about Hillary Rodham Clinton. “I have a plan to take that bitch out, too,” it reads.

The entire thread of that conversation also reveals Johnson is a Ted Cruz supporter.

LGF also posted several of Johnson’s tweets about his belief that President Barack Obama is gay:



Image via Twitter

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