Religious Museum Loses $18 Million In Taxpayer Funding After Insisting ‘Right’ To Discriminate

An under-construction museum that refuses to comply with state non-discrimination laws finally lost $18 million in taxpayer funding.

Ken Ham‘s embattled and controversial Noah’s Ark museum was just dealt another blow. For years the founder of the Creation Museum dreamed of opening a second attraction in Kentucky, Ark Encounter. Ken Ham’s non-profit ministry, Answers In Genesis, which to some might look like a for-profit corporation despite its religious wrappings, also runs his Creation Museum. 

Ham is a fundamentalist extremist who believes the earth is just 6000 years old and everything in the bible is not only the word of god but unchallengeable incontrovertible fact. He makes his employees sign a statement of faith that most Christians in America likely could not, at least not without lying. That statement would effectively bar all atheists, gay people, and people of any faith not Christianity from employment.

LOOK: Kentucky Shocked Creationist’s Tax-Funded Ark Museum Will Discriminate On Basis Of Religion

But now, Ham’s Ark Encounter is at risk. He had applied for and been given initial support from the Kentucky Tourism Development Finance Authority to receive tax waivers totaling $18 million. Those are now gone, after his attorney filed a six-page letter refusing to promise the Ark Encounter would not discriminate in hiring on the basis of religion. 

Kentucky’s Tourism Arts & Heritage Cabinet Secretary Bob Stewart wrote Ham’s attorney explaining, “it is readily apparent that the project has evolved from a tourism attraction to an extension of AIG’s ministry that will no longer permit the Commonwealth to grant the project tourism development incentives.”

Ham may have cooked his goose when he issued a scathing fundraising letter last month attacking Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear’s administration and the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

“Atheist groups have launched major attacks in various ways,” the letter reads. “These secularists are ‘rocking the boat’ and we have had to work hard to counter their attacks. But through it all, God has blessed and the Ark construction is well underway!”

Right now, because of pressure from atheists and some very liberal newspapers in Kentucky on state government officials, our freedom of speech and freedom of religion with this outreach are now under attack.

One letter from the State of Kentucky to AiG makes it clear that the state seeks to discriminate against us because of our Christian message. The letter from a state official, with statements that criticize us for having an evangelistic purpose and possibly hiring Ark staff who agree with our Christian faith, is remarkable.

Otherwise known as discrimination.


Image via Ark Encounter
Hat tip: Joe Jervis


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