Gays Adopt Kids ‘To Train Them On Gay Practices’ Says Uganda Lawmaker Pushing Anti-Gay Bill

The Speaker of the Ugandan parliament is leveling sharp accusations against LGBT people in advance of a vote on yet another anti-gay bill.

In November of 2012, Rebecca Kadaga, the first woman Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament, promised she would pass the “Kill the Gays” bill as a “Christmas gift” for her nation’s Christians. Even though the legislation had been debated since 2009, it took her another year to keep her promise, and she could only do it be illegally forcing the bill to a vote without a quorum. Her action was in fact illegal – even the President of Uganda suggested it was criminal – and the Ugandan Supreme Court struck it down.

Speaker Kadaga is back promising her people a similar “Christmas gift” again, and she’s still not above dirty tricks to accomplish her mission.

Think Progress notes the new anti-gay legislation “appears to be far more repressive than the infamous Anti-Homosexuality Act, which imposed life sentences on people convicted of homosexuality.” It would “outlaw ‘funding for purposes of promoting unnatural sexual practices’ and ‘exhibiting unnatural sexual practices.’ Anyone convicted of the crime could serve up to seven years in prison.”

But as in Russia, the “promoting” part is the key. 

“If newspapers report about homosexuality it could be seen as promotion. My Twitter account could be seen as promotion,” noted LGBT activist Frank Mugisha said. “All human rights groups that include LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) rights defense in their activities could be accused of promotion.” 

The Uganda Daily Monitor reports that “on Sunday, Ms Kadaga said computers and books donated to schools are installed with software and literature that promote homosexuality in the institutions,” and she “encouraged parents to reject offers from foreigners who pretend to be adopting their vulnerable children and taking them abroad for support, saying they are instead being recruited into gay practices.”

“Be very careful because gays are here to distort our heritage. We have discovered that they adopt our children and confine them in gay communities abroad to train them on gay practices. By the time they come back home, they are already influenced by homosexuality and are used to influence others in the community,” she said.

Speaker Kadaga of course offered no proof, because none exists. 

84 percent of the country is Christian, and 12 percent is Muslim.


Image via Facebook
Hat tip: Think Progress


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