Christian Conservatives Call For Anti-Trans Change To US Constitution

Christian conservatives at the Family Research Council are calling for a change to the U.S. Constitution by adding an anti-trans amendment.

The anti-gay hate group Family Research Council is turning its attention from attacking gay people to attacking transgender people. FRC’s Peter Sprigg and Craig James held a discussion this week on Tony Perkins’ “Washington Watch” Internet radio show to debate codifying the terms male and female.

“Might Congress — might there be a need for us to have a constitutional movement, an amendment, to identify a person’s sex,” James asked, never stating exactly why we would ever need to do something so dramatic. “It is what you are at birth?”

Sprigg responded, “I agree with you, I think this issue is just exploding within the last year.” 

“I think the ideal policy for government with respect to [transgender rights] is that your sex is your biological sex,” Sprigg added. “My view is, that if your biological sex is unambiguous at birth — if your internal sex organs, your external genitalia, and your chromosomal makeup all are unequivocal in declaring you to be of one sex – then that is your sex for life, and that is your only sexual identity that the government will recognize. I think that’s what our policy should be.”

Sprigg never stated why or how he should be in charge of making government policy, much less a constitutional amendment. He is an ordained Baptist minister and FRC’s Senior Fellow for Policy Studies, but he is best known to America for answering MSNBC’s Chris Matthews’ question, should “gay behavior should be outlawed?” with a responding “yes.”

“Unfortunately, we never codified [gender norms],” Sprigg lamented, “and I think a lot of states just kind of through erosion, through response to pressure from the transgender movement, have gotten to the point where they, first of all, recognize sex changes in terms of people’s identity documents. But now, they’re going further and actually punishing people who also don’t affirm this myth, this fiction, that people can change their sex.” 



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Hat tip: Right Wing Watch via Raw Story



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