Georgia Public Elementary School Gives Out Bibles, Atheist Group Threatens To Sue

A Georgia public elementary school is under fire for allowing Gideons to hand out bibles, but its other activities should concern parents too.

Last week a Cartersville, Georgia mother of two reached out to the school superintendent for Cloverleaf Elementary, asking why one of her children came home with a Gideon bible. Jessica Greene says that although she is a Christian, she “was just shocked the school system would do that.” Her calls to the superintendent, she says, were never returned. 

A reporter from local NBC affiliate 11 Alive also tried to contact Bartow County Superintendent John Harper, at least three times, but was told the superintendent likely wouldn’t be returning calls if he hasn’t yet.

On Facebook, Greene received a troubling message from the school.

“The Gideons are permitted to offer Bibles to students who wish to pick them up. It is strictly voluntary and the library was the location where students could pick one up; out librarian did not give them out. We appreciate your input. If you have further concerns, please contact administration during school hours. Thank you!”

11 Alive notes that Cloverleaf “parents posted ‘I stand by Cloverleaf’ on Tuesday. On Wednesday all public posts on that page were disabled, and related comments were deleted.”

“Some of the last comments I got before it was taken down from the page were “You’re out numbered here,” she said.

Parents may stand by the school, but the school is mistaken.

This week the Freedom From Religion Foundation sent Superintendent Harper a three-page letter informing him, again, that it is “unconstitutional” and “illegal” to distribute bibles in public schools. This is not the first time the FFRF has sent the same superintendent a letter warning him of the illegal act. But the FFRF warned if it happens again, they will sue.

Meanwhile, an examination of the school’s Facebook page reveals more troubling information.

Cloverleaf Elementary held a Veteran’s Day Civil War Reenactment, and hosts monthly Chick-Fil-A Nights at a local Chick-fil-A, with teachers serving the food. Here’s the Facebook invitation from October:

TONIGHT!!!!! CLES teachers will be serving at Chick-Fil-A in Cartersville from 5-7 pm! This is a great way to support our school, and have a yummy, quick dinner with your family! The class with the most attendance will be rewarded with an Ice Dream Party!! Hope to see you there!

Chick-fil-A is notoriously anti-gay and very religious, as this poster (unrelated to the school) of a Chick-fil-A Vacation Bible School shows.


The school also has an annual food drive for the anti-gay for Salvation Army, has an annual Breakfast with Santa at the school, and advertises but does not host an annual Christmas Parade:

Tomorrow night is the annual Cartersville Christmas Parade (see the link below). If you’re attending, stop by Chick Fil A before the festivities begin and support our CLES night!!

Not surprisingly, the parade begins at a local Baptist church.

How should students who are not religious, or Christian, feel when regularly confronted with these religious, Christian messages? What are they learning?


Images via Flickr: Chick-fil-A poster, bible verse
Hat tip: Raw Story


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