Watch: Jon Stewart Looks At Election ‘Tectonic Skullf*cking’ And GOP’s New ‘Hope And Change’

Nobody does politics like Jon Stewart, and his “Daily Show” analysis of Election Day is hysterical, must-see, and spot-on.

Jon Stewart last night looked at what he called the GOP’s “tectonic skullf*cking” of Democrats on Election Day, and explored how practically all of America has turned from blue to GOP red. The Blue Man Group? Now the Red Man Group. “Blue’s Clues”? Now “Red’s Clues.” Blue balls? Sadly, still blue.

But it is part two of his comedic analysis that is the real “must-see.”

Senior Political Analyst Jordan Klepper tells Stewart the moment the GOP took the Senate, everything in America became better. 

“The economy, now growing at a robust 3.5 percent. Gas this morning, under three bucks – a gallon! Look, stock market at record levels. Deficits cut in half. Ten million more Americans have health insurance. And unemployment sub-six percent for the first time since we elected ‘Chairman Obama.'”

“Even Ebola, which was on the verge of destroying the country, under Obama’s feckless leadership, has suddenly become a problem for like, one guy.”

“It’s morning in America, Jon!”

Stewart was forced to remind Klepper that all those things “happened under Obama and a Democratic Senate.”

“If Democrats had accomplished all of that, they would have been out there bragging about it for months. It would have been the central message of their campaign,” Klepper said, “instead of, ‘I’m sorry, don’t be mad!'”


Image: Screenshot via Comedy Central


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