NOM Claims ‘Overwhelming Victory Across United States’

After a Republican party sweep of Congress, gubernatorial elections, and even state legislatures, the National Organization For Marriage does what it does best: take undeserved credit.

“In red states and blue, candidates who supported marriage as the union of one man and one woman won election and those who didn’t were rejected by voters. The Republican Party should take note that their nominees who favored gay ‘marriage’ were opposed by NOM and they were resoundingly defeated.”

So opens a press release from National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown, taking credit for outcomes NOM had little to do with.

Claiming NOM was “overwhelmingly effective,” Brown continued his massive self-congratulatory victory dance, albeit wholly undeserved.

In the most expensive midterm election in U.S. history, Brown touted that his limping group, the NOM Victory Fund, “spent more than $200,000 on television advertisements and mailers.”

“It’s time for the GOP elite and consultant class to wake up and realize that marriage is a winning issue, in red states and blue,” Brown’s statement continued. “Traditional marriage amendments have received 50 million votes across America, and candidates who embraced marriage this election won, while Republicans who rejected marriage were themselves rejected. The election results tonight were a stunning rebuke of those who wish to redefine marriage. We look forward to working with Congress to advance the cause of marriage.”

Past history is not the present, someone should remind Mr. Brown.

In a subsequent post, NOM patted itself on the back for sending a New York State Senate Republican “packing…yesterday.”

In truth, Sen. Mark Grisanti was defeated months ago in the primary, and a Democrat won last night.

Nice try, NOM.

So embarrassing.

In an excellent example of just how ineffective NOM actually is, look at the number of retweets on their tweet from yesterday:


Image via Facebook

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