SC Man’s Federal Court Filing: Gay Marriage Will Prevent ‘My Free Exercise Of Religion’

In what might just be the most far-fetched federal court filing ever, a South Carolina “psalmist” claims same-sex marriage will interrupt his ability to worship.

A self-described “musician and psalmist” has filed a federal motion to intervene in a South Carolina same-sex marriage case. Don Boyd says he has been “anointed and assigned as a watchman for the souls,” and claims that the state is inadequately defending his interests.

“DON BOYD, MUSICIAN AND PSALMIST, Anointed and Assigned as a Watchman for the souls of that people errantly identifying and calling themselves lesbian and gay WOULD PURSUE DISMISSAL of what is in essence and in truth a RELIGIOUS matter couched of late as a secular deprivation of constitutional rights by the Gay Agenda (of said people errantly identifying and calling themselves lesbian and gay) apostate and rebellious from The Most High GOD and Creator LORD of all the Earth, covetous of the Portion of those marrying and given in marriage in this world, troubled and incited of that Wicked One Lucifer the Devil unto discontent with Divine Constraint their Portion and glorious Calling in this life unto Reward of the Next.

“Same people errantly identifying and calling themselves lesbian and gay, dissatisfied with the Church refusing to change the Scriptures for assuaging the whim and Portion-Envy of said people errantly identifying and calling themselves lesbian and gay, have now of late by hellish Plot turned to the World for circumvention of authority by the Church — but, more truly, to override and overthrow GOD, rather — and for doing so have coalesced — with crooked judges of no discernment to begin with but themselves Sodomites (not to mention, strategically staffed of said people errantly identifying and calling themselves lesbian and gay) AND with the media of no commitment to Truth of the press or objectivity in journalism but themsleves Gomorrahites (not to mention, strategically staffed of said people errantly identifying as lesbian and gay) AND with the Black Agenda also having tasted blood and agreed to cry ‘racism’ in all else remaining, themselves still wicked Egyptians…”

(The above includes all the original grammatical and spelling errors.)

He adds,

“Any Court decision ratifying – thus proliferating – gay marriages would deprive Don Boyd of a personal life and other equal liberties and protections guaranteed by Amendment Fourteen of the Constitution of the United States.”

Boyd also claims that if same-sex couples are allowed to marry, he would be forced to “assume a life of a protester and wedding crasher.”

You can read his entire motion above, thanks to Equality Case Files.


Image via Flickr
Hat tip: Bilerico (transcript) and Joe Jervis


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