‘Like Harry Potter For People Who Thought Harry Potter Had Too Much Science In It’

Stephen Colbert mocks the Senate’s new Chairman of the Environment Committee, who literally wrote the book for climate change deniers.

Stephen Colbert last night on the “Colbert Report” executed a stellar take-down of Republicans’ use of the infamous “I’m not a scientist” when they try to dispute that climate change is real.

(Science is hard, folks, don’t try it at home.)

His primary target is the likely new Senate Chairman of the Environment Committee, James Inhofe of Oklahoma. 

LOOK: This Is What ‘Science’ In A Republican Senate Will Look Like

“You could say he wrote the book” on climate change denialism, Colbert quipped, “because he wrote the book on it.”

In fact, Sen. Inhofe did. It’s called, The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, which Colbert says is “like Harry Potter for people who thought Harry Potter had too much science in it.”

“Remember kids,” Colbert concludes, “if you get unhooked on science early, maybe someday you could completely lack any understanding of science, and then grow up to be the Chairman of the Senate Environmental Committee.”


Image via Comedy Central

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