‘Like A Demon’: That’s How Darren Wilson Described Michael Brown

Officer Darren Wilson’s grand jury testimony is troubling. Here are a few excerpts.

The St. Louis County Prosecutor, Robert McCulloch, last night made available grand jury evidence, including the testimony of officer Darren Wilson.

We’re posting a few screenshots from those documents. 

These are dated September 16.

Wilson described Michael Brown – or Michael Brown’s face – saying, “it looks like a demon.”


Wilson also says Brown said he was “too much of a pussy to shoot” him.

And Wilson, who testified to being 6′ 4″ tall and weighing about 210 pounds, told the grand jury that Michael Brown was like Hulk Hogan. Brown reportedly was also 6′ 4″ but weighed 290 pounds.


Screenshots from St. Louis County Prosecutor’s Office document uploaded to Scribd by Matthew Keyes.
Photo: Darren Wilson hospital photo shortly after shooting Michael Brown.

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