Bill Maher Slams Religious Conservatives Voting For GOP Governor Who ‘F*’ed Entire State’

Bill Maher details how a GOP governor has “fucked” the “entire state” of Kansas, but because his Democratic opponent visited a strip club decades ago, he may win re-election.

Religious extremist Sam Brownback has subjected the state of Kansas to a conservative’s dream: lowering and eliminating taxes for the rich and businesses, claiming that the economy as a result will explode. Well, it did, but not in a good way. Under Governor Sam Brownback, the state reduced the amount of money it spent on education to levels so low the Kansas Supreme Court had to step in, declare his acts unconstitutional ordering him to pull out the checkbook and pour another $129 million back into the school system.

Of course, Brownback has tried to turn the state of Kansas into a Bible-based Garden of Eden, not surprising since he was a resident member of Washington, D.C.’s infamous C Street house, owned by the religious group The Fellowship that supported Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” bill.

Last night, Bill Maher concluded “New Rules” by attacking the “unholy alliance of easily distracted voters, and a shameful pandering media” that have allowed stories like that of Brownback’s Democratic opponent to that root.

Paul Davis, when he was 26, 16 years ago, as an unmarried man attended a strip club. Once.

Now, that single, solitary visit is allowing Kansas Christians to deem him unfit for office.

“So let me get this straight, Kansas,” Maher asks. “Losing a billion dollars in revenue and having your credit rating downgraded — that, you can afford. Sam Brownback, who is to governing what Kanye West is to humility, he’s tolerable. But the lap dance guy, that’s a bridge too far?”

“OK, one last question, Kansas. You do understand — right? — that Paul Davis never touched the stripper, but Sam Brownback fucked your entire state.”



Image: YouTube

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