1500 People Belong To Christian Patriot’s Group Offering Reward For Obama’s Capture

A dangerous and vile Facebook group has over 1500 members who, the group claims, “have made a pledge towards the Reward For Capture of Obama.”

“This group is for those who have made a pledge towards the Reward For Capture of Obama,” the Facebook page of Reward For Capture Of Obama reads. Its 1547 members — assuming they voluntarily signed up and were not added to the group without their knowledge — according to the Facebook group’s About page, believe that “Obama is not the president, he cannot be impeached: He must be arrested. Therefore, this group is dedicated to the arrest and removal of Obama from the White House and Washington DC.”

Among the group’s admins is conservative militia leader Everest Wilhelmsen, leader of the Christian American Patriots Militia. 

“Last November, Wilhelmsen sparked a firestorm after posting a message on the group’s Facebook page that the Constitution gave him the authority to assassinate President Obama and members of his cabinet,” Addicting Info reports:

Wilhelmsen reported in his post that his group has raised $116,872.00 thus far to pay as a reward to anyone to completes the task of capturing and permanently removing President Obama from office. Of course, we can assume that by “permanently” he means kill him. The reward is to aid the perpetrator of the crime. Wilhelmsen removed the report of the amount of money raised from the post yesterday evening.

Right-wing radio host Peter T. Santilli is listed among the 1547 members. Last year the Huffington Post reported Santilli “has drawn Secret Service scrutiny after going on a sustained rant last week that included a suggestion that he wanted to ‘try, convict and shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina.'” 

In a Facebook post Wilhelmsen writes that it is “obvious that Obama is usurping the Office of President in willful disregard of Article II, Section I clause 5 of the United States Constitution and his senatorial oath. His father was not an American citizen and this fact alone disqualifies him. To be President a person’s parents must both be American citizens.”

Of course, nowhere in the Constitution does it state “To be President a person’s parents must both be American citizens.”


Image via Facebook

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