Fox News’ Keith Ablow: US Must Wage Global ‘Jihad’ To Impose ‘Freedom’ Of One-World Government

Fox News contributor Dr. Keith Ablow is calling for an “American jihad” to impose our Constitution and values, like “freedom,” upon the rest of the world.

Dr. Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist, a far right-wing conservative, and a contributor on Fox News‘ Medical A Team, which apparently makes him an expert on politics, world cultures, and waging war against every country on the planet. Curiously, this did not concern Fox News producers in the slightest — in fact, it excited them.

Ablow yesterday published an op-ed on the Fox News website, titled, “It’s time for an ‘American jihad.'” 

Wholly ignoring the value or history of hundreds of other countries across the planet, many of them older than the U.S., Ablow has decided that an “American jihad would reawaken in American citizens the certain knowledge that our Constitution is a sacred document that better defines and preserves the liberty and autonomy of human beings than the charter of any other nation on earth.”

He adds that it’s America’s “God-given right” and our “manifest destiny not only to preserve our borders and safety and national character at home, but to spread around the world our love of individual freedom and insist on its reflection in every government.”

Because nothing says “freedom” like forcing others to adopt your culture, beliefs, values, and politics.

Ironically, ignoring the definition of the word “freely,” Ablow insists his “American jihad would embrace the correct belief that if every nation on earth were governed by freely elected leaders and by our Constitution, the world would be a far better place.”

And he would like, of course, to invest American lives — “boots on the ground” — and treasure — i.e., your tax dollars — to accomplish his “manifest destiny” mission.

As if America hasn’t tried and failed at colonial imperialism before.

Fox News producers apparently were so enamored with Ablow’s desire for a one-world government, despite the fact that the conservative Fox “news” media machine has railed against that very idea when promoting the conspiracy theory other times, that they invited him to spread the word on “Fox & Friends” this morning.

Apparently having never comprehended the First Amendment, Ablow writes that this “American jihad would make every tax dollar a tithing and the squandering of those dollars a sin. An American jihad would make every hour spent working in an American company — or founding one — an offering. An American jihad would make every teacher of American history not only a public servant, but a servant of the Truth.”

Talking Points Memo today called Ablow, “the biggest race-hustler on Fox News.”


Image and video: Fox News
Hat tip: Media Matters


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