Fox News Host Has One Question About Vatican Meeting: Did Pope Say ‘Let’s Pray The Gay Away?’

A Fox News host could come up with just one question about the Vatican’s two-week long meeting that created international hope and outrage for and about same-sex families.

Fox News hosts are notoriously unprepared for many of their segments, asking ill-informed, inane questions or making ludicrous and outrageous statements.

Fox News’ “Medical A Team” member Dr. Keith Ablow is often an excellent example. Brian Kilmeade and Steve Doocy’s joking about Ray Rice attacking his then-fiancée in a elevator is an unfortunate but excellent one as well. Then there’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who has suggested all Americans of voting age should have to pass a “citizenship test” — which is unconstitutional — before being eligible to vote, and even once lamented that, thanks to Obamacare, there are “many” elderly pregnant women on Medicare are losing their doctors. 

This morning on “Fox & Friends,” Father Jonathan Morris tried to put a positive spin on the Vatican’s controversial Synod that attempted but failed to introduce a more “welcoming” tone toward people in same-sex relationships and people who have been divorced. Morris totally ignored the extent of the anti-gay hatred coming from conservative Catholic bishops who ultimately scuttled Pope Francis‘ attempts to extend an olive branch to LGBT Catholics.

“Of course, we should welcome everyone,” a very enthusiastic Father Morris said, as he extended sympathy for priests dealing with people in “irregular difficult situations” like same-sex marriage.

“Real practical situations. A gay couple comes in with their child, for example, to baptize the child. Should the child be baptized? Of course.”

LOOK: Breaking: Pope Ousts Top Vatican Judge Known For Incendiary Anti-Gay Comments

“But every couple, gay, straight, when they say we’re going to baptize our child, they say, ‘We’re going to raise him in the Catholic faith,'” he pointed out. “And so as a priest, as a minister, how do you deal with that? What does that exactly mean?”

Of course, Morris didn’t specifically use examples of people who have been married and divorced, some several times, or couples who use birth control, or couples who have otherwise “sinned.”

But in a segment covering the two-week Synod that drew international, almost daily headlines on a variety of issues, Fox News host Anna Kooiman chose this question to ask this one question, wholly ignoring the fact that the Pope has been trying to get the Church to “welcome” gay people:

Did the Pope “go even further to say, ‘Let’s try to pray the gay away’?”


Video and screenshot via Fox News
Hat tip: Crooks & Liars

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