Pat Robertson: Girl-On-Girl Movies And Sexual Abuse Make People Gay (Video)

Octogenarian televangelist Pat Robertson is back, this time pushing the convoluted idea that “girl-on-girl” movies and sexual abuse make people gay. 

In a recent “700 Club” episode, Pat Robertson, in conjunction with his co-host Terry Meeuwsen, pushed the false concept that “girl-on-girl movies” and being sexually molested make people gay.

Robertson was answering a letter from a viewer who wanted to know if she should leave her church, presumably out of disgrace and embarrassment, because her 21-year old daughter is in a same-sex relationship. Robertson disabused the mother of any fault, fortunately, but laid blame on sexual molestation and “the girl-on-girl movies” in which straight actresses “play lesbians” and straight men “play homosexuals.”

He added, for good measure, “if you say anything against homosexuality you are just hooted out of court.”

“She needs somebody to help her get her identity straight,” Robertson advised.

“She may not be right in this, she may have thought she has a crush on some older girl along the way and she’s actually homosexual when she’s not,” he suggested, as if homosexuality or bisexuality is a passing phase. “I don’t know. Why is she that way? Was she molested when she was younger?”

Molestation, contrary to Robertson’s beliefs, while harmful and destructive, does not cause homosexuality.

Robertson did, fortunately, say the viewer needs to love her daughter, but added she needs to “give her a chance to work this out, because if she gets deeper and deeper in it, sooner or later she is going to be disillusioned and say, ‘this is wrong, I want to come out of it,’” 

Of course, there are millions of very happy lesbians and bisexual women who would strongly disagree.



Hat tip, transcript, and video: Right Wing Watch
Image: CBN

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