Listen: Same-Sex Spouses Are Just ‘Companions’ Says Likely GOP Congressman

An anti-gay pastor and likely Tea Party Republican U.S. Congressman says that same-sex spouses are merely “companions,” and gays already have equal rights.

Jody Hice is a Southern Baptist pastor whose Tea Party radio show is conveniently hosted by a non-profit that he founded. We’ll let the IRS sort out the details of just how legal that arrangement is, but while we’re waiting for that to happen (never will), let’s talk about his other cozy relationship with anti-gay hate that’s fueling his race for the U.S. Congress from the state of Georgia.

Hice (that’s him above, with his wife in a campaign photo) found a district that is unbreakably Republican. When possibly-certifiable Congressman Paul Broun — infamous for claiming that the big bang theory, embryology, and evolution are just “lies straight from the pit of hell” — announced he was not running again for his House seat so he could run for the Senate (he lost, thankfully) Hice signed up.

LOOK: Anti-Gay Pastor And Likely GOP Congressman Quotes Gay Icon, Pretends Thomas Jefferson Said It

Pastor Hice also recently won the GOP primary for his district, and since the chances of the Democrat winning (this is Georgia) are slim, you can probably bet that we’ll soon be seeing Congressman Jody Hice on the floor of the U.S. Congress blathering n and on about the lies of, you guessed it, the big bang theory, embryology, and evolution — along with the evils of homosexuality and same-sex marriage.

If you were wondering if Rep. Broun endorsed Pastor Hice, rest assured, he did.

Meanwhile, soon-to-be Congressman Hice today on his radio show had some words of encouragement for his anti-gay supporters: Gay people already have full equality, he says, because just like every American, they can marry a person of the opposite sex (just as God intended).

“Let’s just suppose a gay person comes up to you and says something like, ‘Why shouldn’t I have the same rights as everybody else? Why can I not marry the person I love?’” Hice told his listeners.

“Well what rights are we talking about?”

“Gay people have the same rights as everybody else. There are no rights that are missing. They have the same rights as anyone. We are Americans and we all have the same rights.”

See how easy that is!

LOOK: Jody Hice: Congress Must Ban ‘Discrimination’ Against Those Who Discriminate Against Gays

By the way, Hice has claims there is a homosexual plot to sodomize children and says the First Amendment does not apply to Islam.

Not even in Washington, and Jody Hice has already “solved” our national debate on marriage.

As far as the equality that same-sex spouses have compared to different-sex spouses, Hice has solved that debate too.

They don’t.

They’re merely “companions,” like, say, a visiting nurse or a home health care worker, or a boy scout earning a merit badge, or a neighbor or friend, or, maybe, just perhaps, a prostitute.

“People have been loving one another as companions and so forth for a long, long time and they have been giving care to one another for a long, long time without calling every instance of love and mutual care, without calling that marriage. But now all of a sudden we have the demand to fundamentally redefine the world marriage,” Hice said.



Hat tip, transcript, and audio via Right Wing Watch

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