Gay Marriage Is ‘Anything Goes’ – Including Man-Dog Marriage Says Fox News Religion Reporter

Fox News’ religion reporter Todd Starnes says that same-sex marriage has owned the door to “anything goes” marriage — including man-dog marriage.

Fox News’ Todd Starnes is no stranger to anti-gay religious rhetoric. He has called diversity “ethnic cleansing,” called this year’s Grammy’s mass wedding — which included a handful of same-sex couples — “a display of intolerance, bigotry and hatred,” and suggested President Barack Obama is gay. He claimed same-sex marriage will lead to one-man one-cat (or dog) marriage and a rise in sexually-transmitted diseases, and he responded to the news that NBA center Jason Collins is gay by tweeting, “The NBA is turning into GLEE,” and “Have any professional athletes announced they are heterosexual today?”

He has also wrongly claimed “Christians have officially become second-class citizens,” and compared atheists to Hitler’s Germany.

So it should come as no surprise that in a recent interview, Starnes agreed with his hosts that same-sex marriage equality will lead to legal man-dog marriage.

Right Wing Watch reports that the group were discussing the Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex couple. 

Co-host Rachel Lamb asked, “At what point is the line drawn as far as what is ‘discrimination?’ Is it discrimination if they wanted to make a cake for, you know, them and their dog? They’re going to get married to their dog? Is that something that’s going to hold up? At what point do we say, ‘Okay, you know, this is not okay? Enough is enough.’”

“When you think about it though,” Starnes replied, “when you do redefine marriage, that means anything goes, because you’re no longer allowed to say, ‘Well, you can’t marry, who are you to say you can’t marry,’ because we’ve already redefined it. So now it really is anything goes.”



Video via Right Wing Watch
Hat tip: The Raw Story

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