Fox’s Hannity Fears Liberals Will Make It Illegal To Tell Kids ‘Being Gay Is Not Normal’

Railing against homosexuality, Sean Hannity says he’s worried that the Adrian Peterson child abuse case could lead to liberals making it illegal to tell children that being gay is not normal.

On his radio show yesterday, Sean Hannity attacked what he sees as liberal views related to the Adrian Peterson child abuse case. Hannity claimed that if Peterson is charged with child abuse, that could open the floodgates for a liberal government to make it illegal to tell children that being gay is not normal.

“This is my problem with liberals. Here’s where my fear goes,” Hannity shared with his audience.

“You guys want to tell parents what they can and cannot do — for example, is it going to become illegal if a parent teaches the politically [in]correct view that being gay is not normal?”

Hannity, who attended private Catholic schools, then pivoted to his bigger issue, asking, “do parents have the right to instill their values in their children?”

“My problem is we send these kids off to school. Maybe they’re taught that God is dead, or maybe they’re taught that it’s okay to have sex. Maybe they’re taught values that contradict what the parents are teaching, whatever it happens to be — you know Heather has two mommies, daddies, roommates” the Fox News host complained, referencing the iconic 1989 best-seller about a young girl and her same-sex parents.

“That’s the government circumventing parental values,” Hannity, author of three books, including Deliver Us from Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism, charged.

“Look, some people disagree on the gay lifestyle because of religious views. If they teach their kids, is the government going to come in one day and say, ‘That’s wrong, that’s immoral’?”


Audio: Media Matters
Transcript: Think Progress
Image via Flickr

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