Anti-Gay Group Asks ‘What Does Religious Freedom Cost In 2014?’ – Answers $2.3 Million

The Family Research Council has launched a fundraising campaign, asking for supporters to donate $2.3 million in the next three weeks.

“What does religious freedom cost in 2014?,” the header on today’s email from Family Research Council President Tony Perkins reads. “$2,300,000 NEEDED BY SEP 30 FISCAL YEAR END,” says the answer inside.

The Family Research Council is actually telling its supporters it needs $2.3 million more to:

Put an end to growing discrimination against people of faith like you and your family.

Protect your rights against powerful organizations that would destroy natural marriage — and shame, fire, or even penalize anyone who openly disagrees.

Promote the historic Judeo-Christian values upon which America’s survival depends — using the best research and arguments to win.

Last year, the FRC reported total revenue of $13,604,606, according to Charity Navigator, which places Perkins salary at a mere $174,454.

Supporters of the Family Research Council should know that the group appears on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of certified hate groups, and is an active purveyor of lies against the LGBT community. 

Donors to the Family Research Council should also know that FRC President likens enforcement of anti-discrimination laws to Hitler’s Nazi Germany. 

In response to a Colorado baker being told they have to follow the same laws all Colorado residents and businesses do, Perkins said he is “beginning to think, are re-education camps next? When are they going to start rolling out the boxcars to start hauling off Christians?”

“At what point do Christians say, ‘Enough is enough!’?,” Perkins asked.

He also recently called for all parents to boycott public schools by removing their children from them in response to the principal of a local Washington, D.C. high school who announced to his students at a school-sponsored gay pride celebration that he is gay.

Perkins thinks sex ed classes will turn children gay, causing the birth rate to dramatically fall. The United States of America then will be unable to keep up with the rest of the world, losing us our economic superpower status.

Who would give their hard-earned money to an organization like that?


Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr

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