Pat Robertson: Genocide Commanded By God Totally Different From Genocide Commanded By Allah

Pat Robertson builds the case for the genocide in the Bible — but the exact same factors in the Quran are totally different he says.

Octogenarian televangelist Pat Robertson was asked by a viewer to explain the difference between violence and genocide commanded by God in the Christian Bible, to that commanded by Allah in the Islamic Quran.

Addicting Info delivers an extensive analysis. They conclude:

Perhaps, after years of cherry-picking verses from the Quran—in order to justify his claims that Islam is an inherently violent and a genocidal religion—he realized following his logic, there is no difference,  it is a double-standard.

Meanwhile, Right Wing Watch, which first published the video, quoted Robertson to make their point.

“How can you say it’s not like the other? The other is in the name of Allah,” he reasoned.

Bottom line: genocide is wrong, regardless of which supreme being/god/supernatural force you attribute it to.

Robertson failed to grasp that basic tenet of humanity.




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