Watch: Texas Comedian Who Fist Bumped Obama Says Rick Perry Is An ‘Old Queen’

The Texas BBQ Obama fist bumping cashier-by-day, stand-up-comedian-by-night, got the “Last Word” on MSNBC and called Gov. Rick Perry “an old queen.” He had a few words about Sen. Lindsey Graham too.

By now almost everyone has heard about Daniel Webb, who got the best material of his life by working the cash register at an Austin, Texas BBQ joint. Webb, as President Barack Obama was leaving, slammed his hand on the counter and called for “equal rights for gay people.” The President asked him if he is gay. “Only when I’m having sex” the stand-up comedian quipped.

On MSNBC’s “Last Word” last night, guest host Ari Melber interviewed Webb about the memorable event. Webb was far from shy or reserved, and had a few words to share.

“I would have taken Rick Perry to town if that old queen walked in,” to the restaurant, Webb insisted. “I would have let her have it.”

Webb said he’s “been in Texas as long as he’s been governor. He’s never been pro-gay in any of his policies. That man wants to run for president and I want to expose him for the anti-people man he is,” Webb shared. “I want Rick Perry to come clean and start accepting people and stop calling gay people ‘diseased.'”

Webb also talked about the Texas Republican Party’s 2014 platform which supports gay conversion therapy. 

As the segment was ending, Webb was compelled to add one more thought. 

“I think it’s ridiculous that Lindsey Graham is telling anybody to be ‘tough.’ Lindsey Graham should do a one-man show of ‘Steel Magnolias.'”

Click on the image to watch on MSNBC:



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