Tea Party Extremist Protesters Block Busses Of Undocumented Children (Video, Photos)

Hoards of Tea Party “patriots” protested and formed a blockade around U.S. Immigration Services busses of undocumented children, forcing them away from a facility to process them — and, ironically, to prepare to return them home.

Chanting “USA! USA! USA!,” “go home!,” “deport!” and “impeach Obama!,” about 150 Tea Party extremists, who call themselves “patriots” and claim to represent all Americans, yesterday did what they did best: they waved the American flag, held misspelled signs, and protested three busses of young undocumented children who were headed for a federal processing facility. No doubt the children, most of whom are here without parents or other family members, must have been hungry and terrified. But these “pro-family” protestors told reporters they won a “victory,” comparing it to “Omaha Beach.”

The epicenter of yesterday’s Tea Party protests and illegal action against federal agents and the 140 young children was the California town of Murrieta. Mayor Alan Long actually told residents to protest — and they did. The children were to be processed, given physical exams, and readied for deportation. Some were to be temporarily released into families willing to take them while awaiting deportation hearings.

The children are being housed, sleeping literally head to toe, side by side, with barely room to even turn over:


Ultimately, the busses were forced from Murrieta and headed for a federal facility in San Ysidro. 

Here’s what that looked like yesterday, in video and photos:

This unemployed protestor was angry she “can’t get unemployment because there’s so much money going towards the welfare.”

Here’s CBS News’ report:

And more images:


And, of course, the Tea Party point of view:

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