Obama Leading ‘Borderline Jew-Hating’ Administration Charges Breitbart Editor On Fox News

Far, far right wing, anti-gay, liberal-hating Breitbart editor-at-large Ben Shapiro last night on Fox News charged President Obama with leading an “anti-Israel” and “borderline Jew-hating” administration.

Earlier today we published an article detailing how PolitiFact’s PunditFact fact-checkers will be holding news networks accountable for their on-air personalities as well as for their pundits, hosts, and paid staffers. And it detailed that 60 percent of the “news” reviewed by PolitiFact that aired on Fox News was false. That’s 60 percent — far more than any other news network. In short, pundits and hosts on Fox News often are fibbing.

LOOK: Breitbart’s Shapiro Furious “100 Most Trusted Americans” Poll Puts Fox News, GOP Politicians At Bottom

Last night on Fox News, Breitbart editor-at-large Ben Shapiro charged that President Barack Obama is heading “an anti-Israel administration.”

“It’s the first administration in American history that is obviously anti-Israel,” the 30-year old Orthodox Jew said. “It’s borderline a Jew-hating administration.”

That wasn’t a borderline comment to Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly — it was apparently over the top. 

“Wow,” Kelly interrupted. “That’s strong.”

Talking Points Memo today noted that it actually wasn’t as strong as Shapiro’s recent comments on the recent kidnapping and murder of three teens in Israel, adding that “Shapiro denounced the administration for not threatening to withdraw aid from Palestine after the kidnapping and condemned President Obama for saying ‘Israel should act with restraint with regards to the people who had kidnapped and killed these boys.'”

(Obama actually said that “[a]ll parties must protect the innocent and act with reasonableness and restraint, not vengeance and retribution.”)

“Shapiro was unequivocal when he levied the anti-Semitic charge in a column last week,” TPM’s Tom Kludt writes. “His ‘borderline’ caveat was noticeably absent from the unambiguously titled piece, ‘The Jew-Hating Obama Administration.'”

Indeed, Shapiro, a reckless flame-throwing uber-right-wing anti-gay pro-gun conservative pundit whose main weapon is his acerbic tongue, wrote that, and more.

Slamming Obama for the President’s remarks on the cold-blooded killing of Trayvon Martin while comparing them to the President’s lack of commentary on the three teens recently kidnapped and subsequently murdered, Shapiro opined in his column that “maybe, just maybe, the Obama administration didn’t care about Frenkel [one of the teens who was an American citizen] because he was a Jew.”

The charges — all of them in fact — are baseless, but Shapiro can’t be accused of yielding to fairness or reason.

“Jewish blood is cheap to this administration,” Shapiro’s column continues. “That seems to be true in every administration, given the American government’s stated predilection for forcing Israel into concessions to an implacable and Jew-hating enemy.”

Shapiro is the author of The People Vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration, Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans, and How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them: 11 Rules for Winning the Argument.

Of course.

Watch Shapiro on Fox News last night:



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