Moms With Guns Group Founder Calls For Obama Assassination

The founder of a Texas pro-gun and open-carry advocacy group called for the assassination of President Obama, then scrubbed Facebook and Twitter of her accounts when the image was reported by liberal blogs.

Founder of Moms with Guns Demand Action Kathy Perkins shared a photo posted by Fox News of President Barack Obama on her Facebook page, and added this startling comment for her friends: “Where is an assasin [sic] when you need one?”

Once news broke on liberal blogs like Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, Daily Kos, and Raw Story, Perkins was quick to scrub Facebook and Twitter, deleting her accounts. Her Google+ and YouTube accounts remain, offering insight into the mind of someone who says she is a “TRUE stay-at-home mom and home school teacher of my 3 children” and wrote on Facebook it is “tyranny” to deny those with mental heath issues access to guns unless they have been convicted of a crime.

Before attempting to delete any traces of her remarks, however, Perkins managed to post a rambling non-apology, screen capped by Americans Against the Tea Party, and available thanks to Google cache:

Perkins attempted to defend herself, saying, “I apologize for my comment ‘where is an assassin when you need one?'” Admitting “it was not something I should joke about,” Perkins noted her only “regret is joking about his serious crimes against our country.”

“I don’t see Obama as my President,” she continued — as if that might be a “get out of jail free” card — and added, “if I had any power Obama would be imprisoned for treason.”

I invite the FBI or whoever to investigate me. I am guilty of nothing and have nothing to hide while the current occupant of the Oval Office is guilty of high treason and needs to attack housewives to distract people from his evil.

Her non-apology apology went downhill from there.

“I should have expected trolls to be trolling for garbage to spin,” Perkins lashed out, adding this conclusion. 

Carry On Patriots! If you get attacked, know its because you are doing something good. Our enemies are vile and ruthless and wait for any scrape of spin to use against us. Im glad they are watching though because this Armed Mom wont be scared off by lies and threats and spin.

(Spelling errors are from original)

Thanks to Google we can also see a Facebook post in which Perkins called Texas police who arrested an armed pastor “Hitler’s minions,” and these posts from the Moms with Guns Demand Action Facebook page before it was deleted.


Image of Perkins: Screenshot via KDFW

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