Watch: Republican Advocates Beating Kids To ‘Cure’ Bullying (Video)

Claims That Schools Hire Armed Police Officers Instead Beating Bullies

A Republican state lawmaker arguing against an anti-bullying bill advocated for the beating of children who bully others, calling it a “cheap, inexpensive, and effective” solution that “cures” bullying.

Minnesota state Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen told his colleagues Wednesday night about a bus driver who beat him when he was a child for bullying a girl on the bus, saying he never did it again. Gruenhagen also detailed a football coach who had a paddle, “and if you didn’t behave yourself, you got up in front of the class, and guess what, you got one on the hind end.”

Rep. Gruenhagen also claimed that schools are forced to hire armed police officers and wouldn’t have to if schools were allowed to beat children to punish them. He concluded that Minnesota’s existing law actually “promotes abuse” and suggested repealing those laws that prevent corporal punishment.

Gruenhagen lost the argument, the stronger anti-bullying bill passed, and Gov. Mark Dayton signed it into law yesterday.

Last year, in response to the introduction of a same-sex marriage bill that later became law,  Gruenhagen called homosexuality “an unhealthy, sexual addiction,” adding that the “human genome map was completed in 2003. There is no gay gene. Okay? So the concept that you’re born that way and it’s an immutable characteristic is an unscientific lie.”

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Gruenhagen claims that HIV is spread through human sweat.





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