Watch Live From Creation Museum: Bill Nye Debates Evangelical On Evolution

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Bill Nye the Science Guy is about to debate the head of the Creation Museum over evolution vs. creationism. Nye, the Emmy Award-winning science educator and CEO of the Planetary Society, will likely run circles around Ken Ham, a young-Earth creationist from Australia who founded Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum, which cost $27 million to build.

You can watch the debate starting at 7:00 PM ET right here, below, or on CNN. CNN’s Tom Foreman will moderate.

“I decided to participate in the debate because I felt it would draw attention to the importance of science education here in the United States,” Nye says in an op-ed on CNN today.

What keeps this country in the game economically is our ability to innovate. New ideas lead to new technologies, which drive new businesses and new opportunities.

Technological innovations absolutely cannot be created without fundamental understanding of science, the means by which we know nature.

Calling Ham a “fundamentalist,” Nye adds that “Tuesday’s debate will be about whether Ham’s creation model is viable or useful for describing nature. We cannot use his model to predict the outcome of any experiment, design a tool, cure a disease or describe natural phenomena with mathematics.”

These are all things that parents in the United States very much want their children to be able to do; everyone wants his or her kids to have common sense, to be able to reason clearly and to be able to succeed in the world.

The facts and process of science have enabled the United States to lead the world in technology and provide good health for an unprecedented number of our citizens. Science fuels our economy. Without it, our economic engine will slow and eventually stop.

Earlier this month, Ham starting selling the never-before seen DVD, “The Homosexual War,” by former stand-up comedian turned radio host Todd Friel. 

Friel is the BFF of former child actor and born-again Christian Kirk Cameron. Both Friel and Cameron are co-founders of the antigay ministry,  The Way of the Master.




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