Two Parents Better Than One — Unless They’re Gay — Says LaBarbera

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Peter LaBarbera for some strange reason was invited on Alan Colmes’ show yesterday, and offered this so very ugly opinion: kids are better off being raised by single parents than by same-sex couples.

LOOK: LaBarbera: “Homo-Fascism” And “Homo-Communism” Part Of “Satan’s Plan”

Children, LaBarbera told Colmes, would “be better off in a single-parent household because you’re not modeling homosexual behavior.”

“When you have two men raising a young child, that child grows up learning dysfunction and a sexual perversion as normal. He’s learning a sexual perversion as normality.”

Of course, LaBarbera — as far as we know – is not a trained sociologist, a child psychologist, or — as far as we know — any other certified or trained professional practitioner of psychiatry, child rearing, or family development, so why in the world anyone would even ask his opinion on the raising of children is beyond me.

(Alan Colmes, respectfully, please talk to your producer about why it’s a bad idea to give LaBarbera a platform.)

LaBarbera runs a one-man show — Americans For Truth About Homosexuality — listed as a certified anti-gay hate group on the pages of the Southern Poverty Law Center. So anything he has to say on the subject of morality, homosexuality, or politics is, of course, likely ludicrous, as his many offensive and ugly comments routinely prove.

Right Wing Watch notes that LaBarbera “was left speechless when Colmes asked him to spell out his plan to ban homosexuality.”

LaBarbera repeatedly refused to answer Colmes’ question about what he thinks the punishment for homosexual behavior should be, finally admitting: “I don’t know what the punishment should be.”

“So you want these laws on the books but you don’t know what to do about them?” Colmes asked. “You keep talking about criminalizing sodomy and using the country of Jamaica as a model for that but you’re not telling me how you would enforce it and then what the punishment should be. So you don’t have a well-rounded idea of how to approach the idea of criminalizing it.”

Children actually do best in a home with adults who love them. Sometimes two adults are better than one, sometimes not. Sometimes more. (Time was, entire generations of families lived under one roof.) A child needs love. The sexual orientation of the parents is immaterial.

Bottom line: LaBarbera’s opinion on child rearing is wholly unimportant.

Listen, if you must:



LaBarbera Uses ‘Satan’ To Explain Transgender People

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