Tea Party Hero Whitesplains He Was Just ‘Wondering’ Because Blacks Seemed Happier As Slaves

We’ve all seen this before. A hero is born out of right-wing-crazy-time, and all of a sudden, from nowhere he slips and offers his real, honest-to-God beliefs — which are deplorable — and his 15 minutes of fame are over.

Enter Cliven Bundy, a man who for 20 years has refused to pay his way to you, the federal taxpayers and the federal government. Once the feds came to collect, of course he become a Tea Party hero overnight.

After the New York Times published some of Bundy’s comments made during a press conference Saturday, the jig was up, and Sean Hannity, Rand Paul, and many of the other Bundy lovers ran for the hills.

WATCH: Tea Party Hero, After Talking About ‘The Negro’ Would Now Like To Tell You About ‘The Spanish’

Bundy explained how he felt about “the Negro,” who apparently is too busy these days aborting their babies, sitting on their front porch not working, and being supported by the federal government.

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

You see, Bundy is a maker, not a taker. He and his family built their cattle ranch all by themselves, with the federal government. That’s why he feels he shouldn’t have to pay the same grazing fees that every other rancher who lets their cows feed on federal lands, pay.

But those Black people, well, it turns out Bundy was just “wondering” if they might not have been happier under slavery.

In an interview Bundy gave to conspiracy peddler Alex Jones, which was posted to the Bundy Ranch Facebook page, Bundy explained his controversial comments.

It turns out, today, Bundy has “more respect” for the Black community than he’s “ever had.”

Bundy told Jones that Black women are “sitting out on the sidewalk” and they “don’t seem to be happy.”

“And what I’m wondering is, are you better off in this type of slavery than when you was home with your family unit, with your gardens, with your chickens, with your men working, and your family life, are you better off now or were you better off then? I’m wondering these things.”

Bundy insists he’s not a racist, but says, “It seems to me like maybe they were happier” under slavery.

He goes on to tell Alex Jones that what “our constitution was all about, is these people being able to exercise their agency, be able to feel free, be able to speak, be able to go, be able to do things, be able to experiment, and for sure be able to have good families, that’s what our founding fathers want, and I know that’s what our heavenly father wants for ’em.”

Actually, that’s exactly not what our Constitution “was all about.” Our Constitution was in part about figuring out how to keep the colonies together while allowing slavery to continue for decades to come. It was in part about ensuring slaves were returned to their masters, it was about ensuring slaves could not vote, and it was about ensuring slaves could continue to be imported, thus prohibiting Blacks — slaves — from being able to exercise their agency, being able to feel free, being able to speak, being able to go, being able to do things, being able to experiment, and for sure being able to have good families.

Slaves, Bundy doesn’t realize, were property — the Constitution made that clear — and were whipped, raped, murdered, and sold. Families were split apart.

Women were not hanging out with their family unit, with their gardens, with their chickens, while their men were working — women were out in the fields picking cotton, or cooking over hot fireplaces.

Shockingly, the National Review — one of the more supportive media outlets when it comes to racism — even condemned Bundy’s remarks today.

Calling Bundy’s remarks “stupid and noxious,” Rich Lowry writes, “Cliven Bundy turns about to be a paleo-libertarian of a certain stripe.”

Noting that Bundy “obviously has a lot more to learn about the meaning of freedom,” Lowry adds:

People like Bundy who minimize the horror of slavery tend to consider it a paternalistic institution that had something to offer the slaves. This is nonsense.

When a racist has lost the National Review, they’re done.




Image by freedumbrocks via Instagram


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