Super Bowl Tweet Of The Day: BFFs Ian McKellen And Patrick Stewart (Photo)

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BFFs Sir Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart tweeted out this image of the two Brits playing “Football!”

Are the two planning to join millions of sports fans around the world this weekend, paying homage to America’s pastime, football? (Not what we here in the States call “soccer”!)

(Yes, the pair are holding a soccer ball, which everyone around the world calls a foot ball [football?]. How did that happen?)

MTV calls the friends’ attempt, “cute. Good effort.”

But it’s time to call your friends and tell them that Sunday’s off. The Super Bowl is over. Sirs Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen already won.

X-Men: Days of Future Past” co-stars (and, apparently, IRL BFFs) Stewart and McKellan have a long history of being adorable bros — known in modern parlance as “adorabros” — posting pictures together all over New York City, usually wearing silly hats. McKellen even officiated Stewart’s wedding last year.


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