Sarah Palin Attacks ‘Liberals’

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Sarah Palin has a message — one she probably found on someone else’s Facebook page and apparently co-opted as her own — for “Liberals.” She posted it to her Facebook page today.

Below is the strong message the former Republican Vice Presidential candidate, former (and half-term) Governor of Alaska, former chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, former Mayor of Wasilla, former “Miss Congeniality,” former sportscaster, former head of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, former star of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” and former and current Fox News contributor has for “Liberals.”

“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked to discover that there are other views.”

The comment is attributed to William F. Buckley, Jr., but a quick Google search finds that quote only on about a dozen Twitter pages. It’s doubtful Buckley ever wrote it.

And if he did, let’s all remember that William F. Buckley, much like the people Palin seems to be increasingly surrounding herself with, was a racist.

Oh the irony, especially since on Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday this year, Sarah Palin accused President Obama of “playing the race card.”

No More Mister Nice Blog writes:

The idea that a group of people, who literally started their own news channel so that they could be protected from facts that do not meet their ideology, think that it is liberals who do not entertain other points of view is so ridiculous that I don’t know if laughter or pity is the appropriate response.


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Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr

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