Same-Sex Marriage Turns Christians Into Second-Class Citizens Says Brown

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Brian Brown, the president of the National Organization For Marriage (NOM) is panicking. Forced to latch onto the Supreme Court’s temporary stay of same-sex marriage in Utah as his only “success” in over a year, Brown dashed off an incredibly lengthy fundraising email blast this morning.

And he uses the word “momentum” four times — as if there is any.

Brown writes that “this week saw a monumental shift in momentum for the marriage debate in our country,” as if the Court’s stay were a big deal. It’s not. If anything, it paves the way for the Court to appear to be fair if the case gets to them.

Brown is actually advocating for amending the U.S. Constitution to include a ban on same-sex marriage. Given that a good 55 percent of the country supports same-sex marriage, Brown is clearly bottom-feeding for email addresses add to his fundraising lists.

And — surprise! — the petition is housed on the Act Right website, which Brown owns. How very convenient.

But then there’s this shockingly vicious attack.

“The granting of this stay changes the momentum in a very real way and slows the stampede of rabid same-sex marriage bullies who are willing to trample over the rights of everyone else in order to get their way. There’s no telling how many true constitutional rights these radicals would run roughshod over to gain their prize of a faux right to genderless ‘marriage’ and a regime under which Christians and others are relegated to second-class citizen status.”
[Emphasis ours]

Let’s look at that again:

“rabid same-sex marriage bullies who are willing to trample over the rights of everyone else in order to get their way”

“how many true constitutional rights these radicals would run roughshod over”

“Christians and others are relegated to second-class citizen status”

Brown is actually claiming that same-sex marriage will turn Christians into second-class citizens.

He fails to mention on which planet.

Image via NOM’s Facebook page

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