Religious Rights On ‘Collision Course With Gay Rights’ Rants Catholic Activist (Video)

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Bill Donohue was in full anti-gay force this morning on CNN’s “New Day,” spewing lies and half truths about gay people, discrimination, and overall displaying great anger at losing the battle in Arizona after Governor Jan Brewer vetoed SB-1062 last night.

LOOK: Here’s Jan Brewer’s Letter Explaining Her Veto Of Anti-Gay Bill

Donohue, head of the virulently anti-gay Catholic League, headquartered in a beautiful Park Avenue office in NYC, spends his days “defending” the Roman Catholic Church — not Catholics, but the Church itself.

“Where are all the examples of gays being discriminated against?” Donohue asked CNN’s Chris Cuomo. “If they’re being discriminated against, how come they make more money than straight people on average?”

Of course, like many of his dated talking points, the “gays make more money than straights” myth is just plain false.

“Is somebody being denied at Applebee’s getting a hamburger? Where are these examples of gay people being persecuted?” Donohue, embarrassingly asked host Chris Cuomo.

“Can you enumerate for me examples of gay people in Arizona who are having their rights violated by people of faith?” Donohue continued.

“That’s the exact right question — but it’s the reverse,” Cuomo, patiently, tried to explain to Donohue. “Can you point out a business that was made a substantial burden religiously because of what they had to do vis-a-vis a gay person?”

Then Donohue went all-out nuts.

“If we have a federal administration which ignores the express rule of the people in DOMA… we’re being besieged — the gay rights –” Donohue ranted.

Cuomo quickly shut him down. “That’s a scare tactic.”

“We have a religious rights, and we have a collision course with gay rights,” Donohue claimed. Shockingly, he added, “we need to protect both.”

“But my rights to religion are in the First Amendment to the Constitution. Since when should they take a back seat?”

Or, in other words, Donohue suggests that his rights as a Catholic trump the roights of LGBT people — wholly ignoring that there are a great many LGBT Catholics and Christians, and LGBT people of all faiths.

Donohue, ludicrously, tried to insist that gay people will start to force churches to perform same-sex weddings, and the government will support that position. Which, of course, totally ignores the First Amendment.

Donohue also falsely stated that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told state Attorneys General they are not obligated to enforce laws. (Holder said they are not obligated to defend in court marriage bans, if they believe they are unconstitutional.)

And, in usual form, Donohue managed to conflate same-sex marriage with polygamy. Just because.

“We feel — people of faith — that our rights are being whittled away in the name of gay rights having to trample…”

There was far more ugliness than this video shows. We’ll try to get that video too.



Hat tip: Towleroad and Mediaite

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