Putin Gives Award To Top Russian Journalist Who Said Hearts of Gays Unsuitable For Life

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President Vladimir Putin has given Russia’s second-highest award to a top journalist who sparked international outrage last year. Dmitry Kiselyov, while the anchor of a popular Russian news program, told viewers that the hearts of gay people are unsuitable for human life, and should be buried in the ground and burned. He also claimed that, in essence, people should die rather than be given a heart transplant from a gay person.

Last year, after those claims, Putin reorganized all state media — closing down the more moderate outlets — and put Kiselyov (also known as “Dmitri Kisilev“) in charge of the new media conglomerate.

LOOK: I’m Not Homophobic, I Have Gay Friends Says Russian TV Anchor Who Called Gay People’s Hearts ‘Unsuitable’ For Life

Now, Putin has awarded Kiselyov the Order of Service to the Fatherland. The Moscow Times reports the honor was bestowed on Kiselyov “for his contribution to Russia’s ‘social and economic development,’ and for his ‘achievements in the humanitarian sphere, the strengthening of the rule of law, [and] protecting the rights and interests of citizens.'”

Just, apparently, not all Russia’s citizens.

Kiselov recently made international news again.

In response to a CNN article detailing the uglier national monuments around the world — which included a Russian monument to World War II, Kiselyov hit America hard.

He said that the Iwo Jima Memorial in Arlington, Virginia, a famous Marine Corps war memorial, was a tribute to gay sex.


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