More Than Three Dozen Arrested For Being Gay Under Nigeria ‘Jail All The Gays’ Law

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More than three dozen have been arrested for being gay in Nigeria. President Goodluck Jonathan (image, above) has just signed a bill outlawing same-sex marriage, and same-sex relationship, or belonging to any LGBT organization or group. Violators can be imprisoned for up to 14 years. Homosexuality was already illegal in the African republic of Nigeria.

Nigeria is the seventh most-populous country in the world, and the U.S. is its number one trading partner.

LOOK: Obama Administration Expresses ‘Deep Concern’ Over New Nigeria Anti-Gay Law

“Activist Dorothy Aken’Ova said the new legislation, already dubbed the ‘Jail the Gays’ law, will endanger and even criminalize programs fighting HIV-AIDS in the gay community,” the AP is reporting. “Aken’Ova is executive director of Nigeria’s International Center for Reproductive Health and Sexual Rights based in Minna, Niger state.”

Even before it was the passed, the law was being used to persecute gays, she said. In Bauchi state, she said police entrapped four gay men and tortured them into naming others. She said the police have drawn up a list of 168 wanted gay men, of whom 38 have been arrested recently.

Jonathan, Nigeria’s president, has not publicly expressed his views on homosexuality. But his spokesman, Reuben Abati, told The Associated Press on Monday night, “This is a law that is in line with the people’s cultural and religious inclination. So it is a law that is a reflection of the beliefs and orientation of Nigerian people. … Nigerians are pleased with it.”

Jonathan, Nigeria’s president, has not publicly expressed his views on homosexuality. But his spokesman, Reuben Abati, told The Associated Press on Monday night, “This is a law that is in line with the people’s cultural and religious inclination. So it is a law that is a reflection of the beliefs and orientation of Nigerian people. … Nigerians are pleased with it.”

One part of the law states:

“Any person who registers, operates or participates in gay clubs, societies and organisations or directly or indirectly makes public show of same-sex amorous relationship in Nigeria commits an offence and shall each be liable on conviction to a term of 10 years in prison.”

In other words, that picture on your desk at work, that Facebook status in your profile, can now be used to throw you in jail in Nigeria.


Image via Wikimedia

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