Michele Bachmann: We’re Suing ‘King Obama’

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Remember Tea Party Republican Congressman Tim Huelskamp’s epic meltdown Tuesday night, when Rachel Maddow invoked actual journalism on him? Remember how he was ranting on and on the Obama was “lawless”?

Remember Tea Party Republican Congressman Randy Weber’s tweets from Tuesday night, calling President Barack Obama a “Socialistic dictator” and the “Kommandant-In-Chef.” (Yes, “Chef.”)

Well, Michele Bachmann and a few members of her House Tea Party Caucus announced after the State of the Union address that they’re going to sue President Barack Obama.

At issue: what conservatives and Republicans claim are the President’s extreme use of executive orders and “lawless” decisions, including not defending DOMA in court, and deciding to delay implementation of parts of ObamaCare.

“The president renewed his commitment that he is going to be King Obama,” Bachmann said, claiming “if we don’t, he’ll act on his own. This is something that’s really frightening to the American people. The president refuses to faithfully execute the laws of the United States,” Roll Call reports.

Bachmann said Obama was “eviscerating the Constitution,” and she said Republicans had introduced a bill “that only has to pass the House of Representatives, whereby we could file a lawsuit against the President of the United States for establishing lawlessness in the United States.”

“The president needs to realize we’re serious about this,” Bachmann said, “and we have the power and the ability to do it. We’ve been fed up with the president acting on his own, and we intend to advance this legislation.”

“He may think he’s king, he may declare he’s a king, but that’s not what he is under the constitution,” Bachmann also said, according to the National Journal.

Apparently, what’s going through Bachmann’s mind may be this email circulated among right wing extremist conservatives.

In reality, as Steve Benen at MaddowBlog reports — and shows in his chart above — President Obama has issued less executive orders than any president in over a century:

I put together the above chart showing each president since the beginning of the 20th century and the average number of executive orders they issued while in office. I then ranked them, from least to most. (The data is up to date through last week, so it includes all of Obama’s first five years.) Blue columns represent Democratic presidents; red columns represent Republican presidents.

Franklin Roosevelt was clearly the most ambitious president when it came to executive orders. And who’s the least? That would be Barack Obama, who issued 168 executive orders in his first five years.


To my mind, Obama hasn’t done enough.

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