Michele Bachmann Is So Tired Of All You Gays Who ‘Have So Bullied The American People’

Poor Michele Bachmann. At 57, she’s gone from building her political career on the backs of gay people, to seeing her home state of Minnesota first refuse to ban same-sex marriage, and then embrace it — in just over a decade. It’s almost just as if her flat earth is a rug that was pulled out from under her.

Now, facing several ethics inquiries over her use of campaign funds and other possible misdeeds and horrifying poll numbers, the creator of the Tea Party Caucus in the House has been effectively forced to resign, but she’s not going to go down without a fight. (After all, Bachmann thinks we are in “the last days.”)

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Bachmann is once again taking on the LGBT community, who apparently have been busy bullying her and trying to take away her religious liberty.

Still furious that Republican governor Jan Brewer vetoed Arizona’s anti-gay bill, SB-1062, Bachmann told conservative radio host Lars Larson this past weekend at CPAC that the bill had nothing to do with gay people at all.

LOOK: Michele Bachmann Says Gay Marriage Is Merely A “Sex Practice”

“There’s nothing about gays in there, but the gay community decided to make this their measure,” Bachmann said. “And the thing that I think is getting a little tiresome is the gay community, they have so bullied the American people and they have so intimidated politicians that politicians fear them and so they think they get to dictate the agenda everywhere. Well, not with the Constitution you don’t.”

It’s unclear just what leap it took for Bachmann to make from a governor of her own arty but not from her own state vetoing a state bill that in no way affects her, to having gay people disrespecting the Constitution.

It’s also amusing that Rep. Bachmann thinks that gay people are bullying straight people. Gay people amount to five or maybe ten percent of the population, and yet over 55 percent of Americans support same-sex marriage. Even more support LGBT civil rights.

If gay people were bullying straight people, does she think all those non-LGBT people would be so supportive?

“If you want take away my religious liberties, you can advocate for that but you do it through the constitutional process and you don’t intimidate and no politician should give away my religious liberties or yours.”



Yes, it’s very important that people don’t intimidate, be it through lies or political pressure, or access to the media.

Michele Bachmann spent a good portion of her early political career raging against gay people and same-sex marriage while a member of the Minnesota Senate.

“It’s part of Satan I think to say that this is ‘gay.’ It’s anything but gay,” state senator Michele Bachmann said of homosexuality in 2004 at an educational conference. “If you’re involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it’s bondage. It is personal bondage, personal despair and personal enslavement,” she also said there.

At that same conference, Bachmann called allowing children to know that gay people exist, “child abuse.”

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She also said that LGBT people are “dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction,” because they’re LGBT.

That same year, Bachmann said that “our children … are the prize” for the LGBT community, “they are specifically targeting our children.”

Yes, it’s very important that people don’t intimidate, be it through lies or political pressure, or access to the media.

Image:  Michele Bachmann speaking at the 2013 Values Voters Summit, hosted by the Family Research Council, a certified anti-gay hate group

Audio via Right Wing Watch

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