Meet Utah’s ‘Anti-Marxist Secessionist’ Who’s Been Fasting For Weeks To End Gay Marriage

Meet Trestin Meacham. 
Meacham has been on a starvation diet since December 21, in an effort to end the legalization of same-sex marriage in Utah. A Mormon, Meacham describes himself as an “anti-Marxist secessionist” who believes that states can merely decide to “nullify” any federal laws or rulings they don’t care to follow.
“The State can end this immediately with hardly any costs by simply nullifying the ruling!,” he writes on his Facebook page.
“Meacham claims he will fast until Utah decides to nullify the court’s decision — nullification being a theory that the states have authority in all matters, not the federal government,” the Huffington Post reports. “It is a theory that has reportedly been used previously in an attempt to prevent integration in the public school system in the 1950s.”
He says he’s lost 25 pounds and “will continue the fast until the State of Utah exercises its right of nullification. I will go without food or drink, but will continue to drink water, and take weekly vitamin supplements.”
Fortunately, Meacham’s fast — which he says he began the day after a federal judge declared Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional — “has nothing to do with hatred of a group of people.”
“I have friends and relatives who practice a homosexual lifestyle and I treat them with the same respect and kindness that I would anyone,” he writes on his blog. “This is about religious freedom, and an out of control federal government.” 
Right Wing Watch calls Meacham “a libertarian-leaning Navy veteran who ran for the state senate in 2012 as a candidate for the far-right Constitution Party, which promotes biblical law.”

In his writings and postings he has demonstrated a commitment to the Tea Party’s notion that much of what the federal government does violates the Tenth Amendment. As a candidate, he argued:

For over a hundred years we have been drifting further and further from the government designed by our founders, to something more closely resembling the writings of Karl Marx.

Meacham claims federal courts decisions on gay marriage will lead to tyranny, ultimately forcing churches and LDS to officiate same-sex weddings:

I think an attack on freedom, an attack on the Constitution, affects everybody.  If a fed judge can throw out the Constitution and the will of the people then we’re really little better off than a Soviet satellite nation. Our freedom means nothing. They can do anything if they can do this.

In a 2011 comment on a story on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze, he wrote, “Our schools have always been places for socialist indoctrinations. The public school system is the tenth plank of the Communist Manifesto.” An old YouTube channel apparently created while he was serving in Korea includes birther material.

Meacham also calls Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor “a known champion of the homosexual movement.”

Watch the video. 

Image via Trestin Meacham

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