Listen To How Double-Talking Rick Santorum Explains The Arizona Anti-Gay Bill (Video)

Rick Santorum‘s world view is certainly unique, and that extraordinary perspective includes his remarkable ability to take something that’s clearly one thing and see it as something completely different.

If the sky were blue, good ole’ Rick would try to convince you it was grey. Or green.

At CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Convention, the National Review (former home to John Derbyshire, current home to Maggie Gallagher) caught up with the failed former and permanent presidential candidate and asked him about Arizona’s SB-1062, the anti-gay so-called “religious freedom” bill that would have allowed anyone for any reason to discriminate against gay people — or, for that matter, Muslims, Jewish people, or, yes, even Christians.

Unlike Mitt Romney, John McCain, Rick Perry, and other GOP notables, Santorum said  he “absolutely” would have voted in favor of SB-1062.

Yes, he “absolutely” would have voted for SB-1062, despite that it actually — according to the  failed former GOP U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania Rick Santorum — “limited religious liberty.”

Rick Santorum actually believes that SB-1062 “limited religious liberty.”

(And I have a bridge in Brooklyn if anyone’s interested in buying it…)

Yes, those poor victimized Christians, can’t even pass a bill to limit their own liberty and freedom. Talk about America looking a magnanimous gift horse in the mouth.

“And all they did was say what’s good for an individual is good for a corporation,” he added. Because, just like Mitt Romney, Ricky believes that corporations are people too, my friend.




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