Liberal Professors ‘Should All Be Taken Out And Shot’ Cries Breitbart Writer

Over the past few months, long-time anti-LGBT activist Austin Ruse has been pushing for media attention, and he’s gradually getting it. Speaking as a guest host on the American Family Association’s radio network today, Ruse, who among the many hats he wears is an opinion writer at Breitbart, had a few words to say about liberal university professors.

(Last year, Ruse penned a column at Breitbart calling anti-gay groups human rights groups.)

Addressing the recent attention given to a Duke University student who also happens to be an actress in pornographic films, Ruse went ballistic and blamed college events like “sex week,” which teach students — many of whom have never had accurate, or any, sex education classes — about sex in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

But Ruse went one step further, and blamed “the hard left, human-hating people that run modern universities” who, he announced, should “all be taken out and shot.”

Ruse, you’ll remember, also wears the hat of president of a certified anti-gay hate group, C-FAM, also known as the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute. Under C-FAM’s umbrella is the World Congress of Families. One or both groups have been linked to or has supported anti-gay legislation around the globe, including in Russia, Uganda, and Belize.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which recently “awarded” a spot on it’s list of active anti-gay hate groups to C-FAM, writes that Austin Ruse “has been a promoter of working with conservative Muslims against gay rights since at least 1999. In 2005, he predicted that although ‘our enemies’ will call it an ‘un-holy alliance,’ ‘victory will come’ in the battle over gay rights in venues like the UN from this “potent alliance between Catholic and Muslim countries.'”

C-FAM’s board, the SPLC notes, includes John O’Sullivan of Radio Free Europe, who “formerly was an editor at the conservative National Review, where he promoted the work of immigrant-basher Peter Brimelow, known for his racist VDARE website, and edited Brimelow’s nativist book, Alien Nation.”


Hat tip: Right Wing Watch

Image: Austin Ruse via his Twitter page


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