LaBarbera Uses ‘Satan’ To Explain Transgender People

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After calling Robin Roberts‘ coming out — and that of all people — a “tragedy,” anti-gay hate group head Peter LaBarbera took a moment to “explain” transgender people.

Speaking with Christian youth radio host Vic Eliason of the Voice of Christian Youth (VCY America) radio yesterday, LaBarbera said that transgender people “are people who believe that their biological sex, male or female, doesn’t match what they feel. I’ll tell you what Vic, Satan really works through feelings, doesn’t he?”

“Life is not what you feel,” LaBarbera continued. “If every married couple acted on their given feelings day-to-day we would have a lot more divorces in this culture, wouldn’t we? Feelings does [sic] not determine truth.”

Eliason then offered this “insight” into transgender people.

“You know, Peter, years and years ago the old fashioned circus used to have a display in some kind of a cage or a display factor that had a ‘bearded lady’ as a freak,” Eliason said. “Today we don’t even have to worry about that, it will be happening in your department stores, it will be happening in the public school, the issue of cross-dresses and transvestites and all of this type of thing certainly is what you’re talking about.”

The Raw Story notes that “LaBarbera is known to many LGBT activists as ‘Porno Pete‘ because he has admitted to keeping a huge trove of gay male pornography for ‘research’ purposes. His job at one point was to attend LGBT days at Disney World, San Francisco LGBT Pride and any events involving gay staffers of the George W. Bush administration, again for ‘research.’

“He is also known for taking annual ‘intelligence-gathering’ trips to Chicago’s International Mr. Leather competition, a yearly gay BDSM pageant.”


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Hat tip and audio via Right Wing Watch

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