Kirk Cameron’s BFF Teams Up With Creationist To Push New DVD: ‘The Homosexual War’

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“How we should engage in the homosexual war that has been thrust upon us”

Step right up ladies and gents! Hurry — before they’re all gone!

Yes, now you too can own the never-before seen DVD, “The Homosexual War,” by the BFF of former child actor and born-again Christian Kirk Cameron.

In 2002, Cameron, having lost his way and having totally blown off his “Growing Pains” co-stars, found God, found Jesus, and founded a Christian evangelism ministry — with evangelist Ray Comfort and former stand-up comedian turned radio host Todd Friel — called The Way of the Master, or WOTM.

(To be clear, Cameron doesn’t seem to be involved with this DVD.)

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Now, Friel has created and published a DVD — which you can buy for the low, low price of just $12.99 — called “The Homosexual War,” and he’s engaged the co-founder of Answers in Genesis, a “young earth” Christian apologetics ministry who heads the 60,000-square-foot Creation Museum in Kentucky, to sell his wares.

Because, God.

Friel is of the “love the sinner but hate the sin” brand of Christianity, which can sound nice and warm and fuzzy but at its core is the message that if you’re gay you’re an evil sinner.

To give you an example of Friel’s type of ministry, here he is talking about two letters from two different fathers to sons who came out. The first one banishes his child, the second one “welcomes” him — but warns him he cannot even touch his partner while in his father’s house, especially around his brothers and sisters.

It’s merely, still — to paraphrase Dan Savage — “God hates fags,” just a kinder and gentler “God hates fags.” But it’s still “God hates fags.”


Right Wing Watch says that the “DVD shows a lecture that Todd Friel of Wretched Radio delivered at AIG’s 2013 Mega Conference, in which he gave the message that while ‘homosexuals are victoriously waving the rainbow flag,’ it is now ‘time to raise the Christian flag.'”

Because, God.

Here’s how Ken Ham is selling the DVD:

“How should we discuss homosexuality at church?,” Ham asks on his website — which does not seem to disclose (we could not find a statement on it) that he makes money selling the DVD, although why should you be surprised he runs a ministry that has its own store? “How do we respond to a child who ‘comes out’? How should we talk about gay people in the public realm? join [sic] Todd Friel as he challenges all of us to reconsider how we should engage in the homosexual war that has been thrust upon us.”

Yes, that’s what their website actually states.

But wait, there’s more!

“Satan doesn’t care if America endorses heterosexual or homosexual marriage, as long as people go to hell,” the DVD notes read. “He knows that it doesn’t matter if a nation is moral, as long as people die in their sins.”

“A good general who suffers defeat does not continue with the same strategy; he wisely assesses the situation and formulates a different plan. It is time for Christians to be wise and reconsider our battle plan: Has our current strategy been working? What does the Bible say our assignment is? Have we been engaged in the right battle?”

In a word: No. And in another word: Stop.


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