GOP’s Cocaine Congressman Quits

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Trey Radel, the “Hip Hop conservative” Tea Party freshman U.S. Congressman arrested for possession of cocaine in October, will resign today according to multiple sources.

Radel tok a leave of absence following the news of his arrest, to enter a drug rehab program, and had returned to work earlier this month.

MSNBC notes that not only have GOP leaders called for Radel’s resignation, “a super PAC raised $1 million to challenge him from running for office a second time.”

Not long before his arrest, Radel had voted to allow states to make poor people humiliate themselves by peeing into a cup to have their urine tested for drugs, in order to receive food stamps.

Florida will have to hold a special election to fill Radel’s seat, which is based in Ft. Myers.

Image via Congressman Radel’s Facebook page.

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